I write this today with excitement as I saw that we reach 12000 views on our YouTube Channel, InsideOut Adventures, with this Kgalagadi trip being our most watched! Click on the link below and if you enjoy the content, remember to like and subscribe!
We left Nossob, always a little sad when you know you are moving on in your trip and adventure to the next and final part. On out way to Marie se Gat, we noticed lion tracks in the sand. We had a most comical attempt at reversing the trailer about 1km back towards Nossob, very eager to find the majestic mammal only to laugh at the car tracks winding like a snake as Jay tried, and failed to, to reverse straight! Unfortunately the lions continued to evade us.
We had a wonderful bat eared fox sighting around Marie se draai, treating us to so lovely photo opportunities. We meandered slowly down the Nossob river bed, enjoying the birds and antelope, eyes peeled for the elusive cats until we finally, 5 Kgalagadi nights days later, had a lazy lion sighting on the side of the road a few km's from Dikbaardskolk picnic sight. One had a gash out its nose likely from one of his brothers.
We finally got to the picnic sight having promised the kids pancakes. Having the trailer with us whilst in the park is usually a pain as it can be tricky to maneuver at a sighting, but having the gas stove top and amenities is a wonderful perk at a picnic.
The picnic sights are wonderful. Bathrooms are very basic but it lovely to stretch your legs and look around, birds, sometimes predators, especially jackal, mice and smaller mammals.
The next leg of our journey, watching the sun lowering in the horizon we had a second lion sighting on the ridge of the dunes, once again near another picnic sight, Melkvlei. An unusual sighting of two tiny birds cleaning each other had us oohing and aahing to later look up the juv, scaly weaver name. We eased our way back down to Twee Rivieren, enjoying the peaceful atmosphere and stunning sunset.

It was a long day, with lots of car fun and games, pancakes, lions and other birds, snakes and mammals. It still astounds me how we even spotted some of them so well hidden! Honestly the kids surprise me most when suddening they alert us, when you think they not even looking!

Twee Rivieren is a very underrated camp. It offers the choice of two river beds to go down, the Auob or Nossob. It has some cell phone reception, a restaurant, and good, comfortable accommodations. It has a pool and flood lit hide and plenty of small animals to observe at camp. It is certainly a good beginner camp! The next day was our last full day and night in the park and we looked forward to day tripping to Mata Mata (or as close as we could get). The last of our winter in the Kgalagadi blog post coming out next month!