So after a day staying near camp and recovering from lots of driving, we where ready to explore further north of Nossob. We always chat to campers and while waiting in the morning queue's to find out the recent sightings. You need to sign out and say where you are driving everytime you go in the park. We have heard and read some stories of people having car troubles and being stranded, which is dangerous! The staff are incredible, the one night we forgot to hand in our form to say we back and they came to check up on us at the campsite before going out to search.
So what do we do in preparing for a day drive in the Kgalagadi?
The Kgalagadi has had some wild stories. Most are for those in the wilder Botswana side. The roads are rougher that side, and some areas are very remote. We have read books and watched many YouTube video's on peoples experiences. We hope to learn from those experiences and pray they never happen to us! :)
When planning a day drive many things are considered, and we still always forget something! Consider the vehicle and then your comforts and food.
good spare tyre
compressor to inflate in the middle of nowhere
puncture repair kit
basic tool kit
at least 5l water
planned food/braai and cooking tools (including a lighter and firelighters if needed!)
drinks, be careful of carbonated drinks, we had a burst 2l coke in the boot from the corrugations)
car chargers, photographic equipment
satellite phone (if you have one)
Summer and winter pose different threats, overheating in Summer and freezing in Winter. Most importantly, don't go where you didn't say you going!
We departed early and spent some lovely time at Cubijie Quap, famous for the flocks of birds coming in and out with the black backed jackals trying to catch them! Obvious everywhere is a lion area, but on this day trip it was not bo be! Instead we continued north, driving around all the waterholes with Polenstwa being the most profitable in photo's seeing plenty of game engaging in a drink and frolic. It was beautiful.
We continued and stopped for a break at Lijersdraai picnic spot. The birds desperate for water sources always near. We had sausage rolls and a rest before driving the beautiful Lijersdraai loops and then back down. We elected not to go all the way to Unions end (corner of the park and border of 3 countries). That is a long drive and would limited sightings time. Rushing is not good.
On our drive back down we stopped again at Polentswa and where treated with a jackal having a bird for lunch and then a wonderful sighting of secretary birds flying in for a bath. We meandered slowly back down to Nossob, enjoying the start of sunset.
The next day was our last at this site and we again stayed close to Nossob, enjoying the camp, waterholes and atmosphere. It is an incredible place, a happy place. We find it so peaceful and restful. There is Wifi for sale at the shop but it is so good to be switched off. So good.